Zero Trust Security

Protecting your data against ever-evolving threats

What is zero trust security?

Zero trust security


Our approach

CBTS solutions


Building zero trust for a security-conscious enterprise

Securing your company’s data is essential for its success. As attacks become increasingly sophisticated and ransomware attacks take down major institutions, more companies are adopting a zero-trust security posture.

Businesses that continue to rely on a perimeter “castle-and-moat” defense leave themselves at risk. One breach could mean complete access to your data. Zero trust security does what it says, requiring authentication for every user or device trying to access your network.

Discover what zero trust is all about and why it should matter to you.

Implementing zero trust security architecture is not easy.

Access industry-leading security expertise and technologies, built to your organization’s unique needs. CBTS takes accountability for security, performance, and availability of your mission-critical data infrastructure.

CBTS enterprise cloud architecture and cybersecurity services combine to deliver solutions like multifactor authentication with security controls integrated into the design. Our battle-tested blueprints and processes ensure rapid, efficient, and effective zero trust deployment.

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What is zero trust?

Zero trust is a security framework methodology that leverages best practices to verify every user or device, both inside and outside of an organization’s network perimeter.

More traditional, perimeter-based security models operate by trusting everyone with access to your network. The drawback is that it gives free reign over your network to bad actors who obtain access. A zero trust model instead focuses on securing every user, device, and network resource, regardless of location.


Benefits of zero trust security

Zero trust = reduced risk + more control

Increased risk and new threats to network security means you need solutions tailored to your business.

Tighter security controls

Continuously monitor who gets in and who does not.


Secure cloud service adoption

Data and applications remain secure, even in the Cloud.

Improve insights into activity and threats

Monitor all activity for your systems and devices.

Better regulatory compliance

Increased security measures improve your company’s defense posture.

Enhanced protection

Security that assumes nobody is implicitly trusted means ongoing authentication.



is the average cost of a data breach in 2022. That represents a 2.6% increase over the previous year.



CBTS has established its zero-trust security access model on the idea that trust is verified and not assumed. We continuously assess the posture of users, devices, and applications and adjust your access accordingly. Security is more than a one-size-fits-all proposition, even within the same enterprise environment.

We help you choose the layers and process points that work for your environment, monitor access to your network based on your policies, and, in the event of a breach, help contain the spread by default.

“For those of you thinking strategically, you might want to hold off on upgrading your VPN this budget year or next, and think instead of using a zero-trust solution for your remote workforce.”

– John Bruggeman, Consulting CISO


CBTS zero trust model

Building solutions that grow with your business

Security experts say that adopting zero trust principles empower enterprise organizations by significantly reducing the risk and impact of data breaches. Implementing a zero-trust architecture requires a comprehensive strategy that encompasses people, processes, and technology, including multifactor authentication for all users.


Evaluate your current infrastructure—including access controls, device security protocols, and network configurations—to identify strengths and weaknesses in your organization’s current security program.


Identify assets needing additional protection, outline network zone separation for users and devices with traffic rules, and develop a budget-conscious strategy for optimal protection.


Implement access controls with multifactor authentication and granular network segmentation while monitoring for real-time threats to identify and mitigate potential security risks.


Regularly audit and test for vulnerabilities, limit privileges based on user identity and devices, and segment networks while monitoring all traffic for suspicious activity.

Zero trust security requires a comprehensive strategy that encompasses people, processes, and technology.

Dig deeper

Info sheet

What is zero trust and why begin the journey

White paper

Zero trust: Going beyond the perimeter

White paper

Zero trust security for edge-to-cloud IT environments

Aligning zero trust security with business objectives

Zero trust ensures that only the people you authorize can access your sensitive data and systems. It enhances security and improves business outcomes by reducing the risk of data breaches and cyber attacks. Additionally, it helps businesses comply with regulations and industry standards, enhancing their reputation and credibility.


Top 5 Questions

What is zero trust?

It’s a model that assumes that no user or device can be trusted, even within your network. Every user or device must be verified and authenticated before accessing your resources or data.

Why is zero trust important?

Traditional security relies on perimeter defense and assumes you can trust users or devices inside your network. With ever-increasing threats, perimeters are no longer well defined.

What are the benefits of zero trust?

It improves security posture, reduces the risk of data breaches, simplifies compliance, and increases visibility and control over network traffic.

What are the challenges of implementing zero trust?

Challenges include the complexity of your network architecture and the need to integrate it within your existing security solutions.

Is zero trust right for my organization?

Security breaches are costly, increasingly frequent, and can hurt your company’s reputation. A risk assessment will help determine your specific needs and help you find solutions that work within your budget.

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute discussion with a CBTS solution consultant.

Talk to one of our experts today to see how we can help your organization build the best zero trust security for your network.