Big Data Analytics

Big data is a big deal

And it’s getting bigger every day. How big? 90% of the world’s data was created in the last two years, and experts are predicting a 4,300% increase in annual data production by 2020. All that data is a great source for business intelligence and transformative insights. CBTS can help you create a big data strategy to cope with the data explosion for greater insight and value. Enable better workforce collaboration, connectivity, and sharing.

The Impact of

Big Data

Get the facts

Conquer the data explosion with CBTS

Wherever you are on your journey to become a next-generation data enterprise, our data experts can execute and advise you on the current and future state of your data strategy. We’ll create a roadmap to harness your data for future growth. And we’ll help you identify use cases and execute projects to realize the business potential from your big data strategy. Our data analytics services include:

• Strategic Business Consulting
• Data Governance, Ingestion, Integration and Security
• Data Warehouse and BI Consulting
• Data Analytics
• Professional Services

Big data growth projection

Cut big data down to size

CBTS partners with industry leaders to provide end-to-end services designed to help your business navigate the complex landscape of big data. We help you extract insights with an innovative approach to capturing storing, and analyzing data. Our solution will enable you to:

• Scale with the pace of data production
• Harness your data to unlock new business opportunities
• Make smarter business decisions
• Improve operational efficiencies and business agility
• Increase revenue and customer satisfaction

Key Benefits

  • Volume

    Massive scale and growth of unstructured data.

  • Velocity

    Real-time demands for usable information and insights.

  • Variety

    Heterogeneous and variable data in different formats, including email, social media, video and images.

  • Value

    Data-driven business decisions to accelerate growth and gain a competitive edge.


Learn more about Big Data Analytics

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